Monday, April 29, 2019

NaPoWriMo -19 Day-13 : Belief In Magic

Day 13 Prompt: Write a poem about something mysterious and spooky! Your poem could be about something that is mysterious and spooky in a bad way (like a witch), or mysterious and spooky in a good way (possibly also like a witch? It depends on the witch, I guess!) Or just the everyday, mysterious, spooky quality of being alive.

Magic Spell

I have with me words and language
And I know magic to 
PC: Borrowed from internet
use them any way I will

I can marinate words in
acerbic sauce of sarcasm
Toss it around my mouth
Stir it with my scalding tongue
And when I spew it forth
I can see the mucky vitriol splatter
sear and scorch the victim

But I don’t relish watching
another writhe in agony

I’d rather soak my words in
Empathy and compassion
Blend in dollops of tenderness and
top it with glazed generosity

And Voila! As I watch their face transform

Eyes sparkling with joy
Cheeks burnished with cheer
I too feel a fuzzy warmth
Seeping through my soul
Gratitude and serenity
saturates my being…

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