Friday, April 19, 2019

NaPoWriMo -19 Day- 7: Gifts

Day 7- Prompt: Write a poem of gifts and joy. What would you give yourself, if you could have anything? What would you give someone else?

My Gift List

I want huge packs of contentment and serenity
I want ladles of acceptance and maturity
I want generous dollops of wit
garnished with tangy brilliance
I want lumps of humour, topped with cheer
I want chunks of grace laced with generosity    
I want scoops of confidence whisked with alacrity
PC: Borrowed from the internet
I want slices of smartness tossed with courage
I want grated tolerance and diced patience
I want loads of health, iced with humility
And yes don’t forget, I need a surplus of
forgiveness and compassion

May be I have all of these
In moderate amounts now,
but I could do with more, much more
and then I can go around
sharing it with those everyone else too…

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