Friday, May 3, 2019

NaPoWriMo -19 Day-14 :Homophones, Homographs, and Homonyms

Day 14 Prompt: Write a poem that incorporates homophones, homographs, and homonyms, or otherwise makes productive use of English’s ridiculously complex spelling rules and opportunities for mis-hearings and mis-readings.

Not an easy knot! 

There are certain things that we bear/ bare
and then some that we can barely  bear/bare
I know/no that it needs to be a no/know
There is no other go
It is just not easy- it gets you in a knot
One is wary that one has to wear a mask
One feels weary and tired
One has to become someone one is not
And I do not like that
It would be like putting on an act
It would mean
That one has to be mean and sly
And that  is just not fair
It would be such a tardy fare

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