Monday, April 29, 2019

NaPoWriMo -19 Day-13 : Belief In Magic

Day 13 Prompt: Write a poem about something mysterious and spooky! Your poem could be about something that is mysterious and spooky in a bad way (like a witch), or mysterious and spooky in a good way (possibly also like a witch? It depends on the witch, I guess!) Or just the everyday, mysterious, spooky quality of being alive.

Magic Spell

I have with me words and language
And I know magic to 
PC: Borrowed from internet
use them any way I will

I can marinate words in
acerbic sauce of sarcasm
Toss it around my mouth
Stir it with my scalding tongue
And when I spew it forth
I can see the mucky vitriol splatter
sear and scorch the victim

But I don’t relish watching
another writhe in agony

I’d rather soak my words in
Empathy and compassion
Blend in dollops of tenderness and
top it with glazed generosity

And Voila! As I watch their face transform

Eyes sparkling with joy
Cheeks burnished with cheer
I too feel a fuzzy warmth
Seeping through my soul
Gratitude and serenity
saturates my being…

Sunday, April 28, 2019

NaPoWriMo -19 Day-12 : Dull Vs Significant

Day 12- Prompt : Write a poem about a dull thing that you own, and why (and how) you love it. Alternatively, what would it mean to you to give away or destroy a significant object?


Very staid, very steady
Anytime, any day trustworthy
It stands right there in its abiding wholeness
But not a second glance does it claim
But the other one there so bright , so zesty
Simply clamouring for attention
I deliberately turn away
I walk sedately, steeled and set
For doesn’t one know
of life’s regular dictum
Glitzy, cheery is fine
But screaming transience
Something today and until forever
Is just that plain, stolid stance…

Thursday, April 25, 2019

NaPoWriMo -19 Day-11: Origins

Day 11- Prompt : Write a poem of origin. Where are you from? Not just geographically, but emotionally, physically, spiritually? Maybe you are from Vikings and the sea and diet coke and angry gulls in parking lots. Maybe you are from gentle hills and angry mothers and dust disappearing down an unpaved road. And having come from there, where are you now?

Let sleeping Memories lie...

Everything has changed
I had been gone too long
But fool that I was
I thought that
the memories in my heart
would keep the place alive

Everything has changed.. 
the smells, the sights
I deliberately tried to coerce
my sleeping memories alive.
I searched for familiar sights,  
I tried to breathe in familiar smells,
I tried to retrace my steps,
I closed my eyes, conjuring up images of the past.  

PC: borrowed from the internet
Everything has changed
I saw nothing, smelt nothing, felt nothing.
It was the same place and yet it was no longer.
I had grieved the passage of time,
yearned for lost moments.
I had come back but
found nothing that I thought I was seeking.
Is there a sense of loss?  No, not even that.
Just an emptiness and a numbness.

I have changed. Forever..

Everything has changed
That place in the depths of my heart
no longer exists outside.
I can now stop looking for it
every time I return.
Let sleeping memories lie...

Sunday, April 21, 2019

NaPoWriMo -19 Day-10: Regional Phrase ( weather related)

Day 10- Prompt : Write a poem that starts from a regional phrase, particularly one to describe a weather phenomenon. 

There is a phrase in Malayalam related to the Monsoon showers: “Thullikkoru kudam pemari”… which means it is raining in such torrents that a single drop runs to fill up an urn…

Elysian Nuptials

Gigantic droplets  
PC: Borrowed from the internet
brimming into urns
Was that a cloudburst
Cascading in ebullient joy
Splashing  into gurgling puddles

The skies have descended
With splintering charm
The earth has risen in embrace
Melting into the Azure haze           
Soaked, soused and sated…

Thunder rumbled in murky echoes
Slivers of lightning
Shimmered in glory
The fumes of petrichor
Whirled up in swirls…

Saturday, April 20, 2019

NaPoWriMo -19 Day- 9: Thing- List!

Day 9 : Prompt: Engage in a kind of cross-cultural exercise,  like recording daily observations, court gossip, poems, aphorisms, and musings, including lists with titles like “Things That Have Lost Their Power,” “Adorable Things,” and “Things That Make Your Heart Beat Faster.” Today, write your own Sei Shonagon-style list of “things.” What things? Well, that’s for you to decide!

PC: Borrowed from the internet
Trinkets & Trivia!

I have a little diary of quotes
Of thoughts, feelings and ideas
Not just mine, but others too
The book is in tatters now
The ink has smudged,
The pages are brittle with creases and tears

I have some pebbles, white and color'd
and some bits of tiles and stones
That I picked off from the ground
Carefully stashed in tiny, little pouches

I also have some pictures 
and some zany stickers
I have some trinkets and trivia                            
all saved up from the past

Somedays, I ferret them out
I look at them, touch them
And I see a little girl in ponytails
who had so much laughter in her eyes
and spring in her steps

She has gone into hiding now
Amidst rubble of roles and rules
her lids heavy with worry
And her eyes weary with care

As I gently set them aside again,
The creases on her brow soften
And the crow’s feet crinkle
As a gentle smile
Melts away the laugh lines…

NaPoWriMo -19 Day- 8: Jargon

Day 8 : Prompt: Think about the argot of a particular job or profession, and see how you can incorporate it into a metaphor that governs or drives your poem. This rather astonishing list of professional slang terms might help you get into the mood. Or, if you work a white-collar job, perhaps you can take inspiration from one of the business jargon phrases that seem to predominate in corporate environments (leveraging diverse synergies, anyone?)

The Linguistic Facilitator

I attempt to chronicle the prototype
Of ideal linguistic transference of erudition
Encompassing all the essential facets,
PC: Borrowed from the internet
The rudimentary configuration of word making
enrichment of vocabulary and insight into etymology
The contextual and allegorical elucidation
Comprising the semantics and the syntax too
The phonemes, phonics and Phonetics cannot be overlooked  
The pedantics of language acquisition
The entire expanse of rhetorical  devices,
The pattern of word recognition,
 interpretation and analysis
The comprehensive and the allegorical references
The concrete, the abstract and
the subliminal allusions too.
It is indeed an onerous undertaking
And  the humongous heuristic endeavour
Is going to deplete me of my intellectual resources…

Friday, April 19, 2019

NaPoWriMo -19 Day- 7: Gifts

Day 7- Prompt: Write a poem of gifts and joy. What would you give yourself, if you could have anything? What would you give someone else?

My Gift List

I want huge packs of contentment and serenity
I want ladles of acceptance and maturity
I want generous dollops of wit
garnished with tangy brilliance
I want lumps of humour, topped with cheer
I want chunks of grace laced with generosity    
I want scoops of confidence whisked with alacrity
PC: Borrowed from the internet
I want slices of smartness tossed with courage
I want grated tolerance and diced patience
I want loads of health, iced with humility
And yes don’t forget, I need a surplus of
forgiveness and compassion

May be I have all of these
In moderate amounts now,
but I could do with more, much more
and then I can go around
sharing it with those everyone else too…

Thursday, April 18, 2019

NaPoWriMo -19 Day-6: Possibilities

Day 6: Prompt: Write a poem of the possible. Focus not on what has happened, or what will happen, but on what might happen if the conditions are right. Write a poem that emphasizes the power of “if,” of the woulds and coulds and shoulds of the world.

Beware! Be Aware! 
PC: borrowed from the net

If I spelt out my every thought
If I chuckled at every mischief
If I guffawed in brazen glee
If I sniggered my every disdain
If I indulged my every tantrum
If I quivered at my every fear
If I vent my every spite
If I blushed at every snub
If I bristled at every avarice
If I apologized for every folly
If I succumbed to every pity
If I shed every tear of my sorrow
If I showed all my love

I would have been me and yet not ME
For it is with so much care and caution
that I have nurtured the ME
that you and I get to see

NaPoWriMo -19 Day-5: Villanelle

Day 5 - Prompt: Write a poem that incorporates at least one of the following: (1) the villanelle form, (2) lines taken from an outside text, and/or (3) phrases that oppose each other in some way. If you can use two elements, great – and if you can do all three, wow! 

The classic villanelle has five three-line stanzas followed by a final, four-line stanza. The first and third lines of the first stanza alternately repeat as the last lines of the following three-line stanzas, before being used as the last two lines of the final quatrain. 

I have attempted the villanelle form and I have also incorporated lines- 2 lines actually from two different poems: "No time to stand and stare" from the poem "Leisure"  by  W. H. Davies, and "And that has made all the difference" from the poem "The road not taken" by Robert Frost. 


No time to stand and stare
No time to linger, no time to ponder
PC: borrowed from the internet
And that has made all the difference!

Oh! To dawdle, to just amble by
But no, it has come to this
No time to stand and stare...

The sighing leaves, they beckon
I pause and listen to tales unspoken             
And that has made all the difference!

Oh! To just let go of moments that flit by
To forget that one has just
No time to stand and stare...

I turned to look behind me
There was no path of return
And that has made all the difference!

So seize I shall every moment
Toss away every care
Scrap the notion that there is
No time to stand and stare
And that has made all the difference!

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

NaPoWriMo -19 Day-4: Sonnet

Day 4 : Prompt : Write a sad poem,one that, achieves sadness through simplicity. Playing with the sonnet form may help – its very compactness can compel you to be straightforward, using plain, small words. 

I have managed to write a poem in 14 lines, but I have not adhered to any rhyme scheme. 


She lay serene, Decked in bridal finery
PC: borrowed from internet
Eyes closed in mortal sleep
Yesterday she is and today she was
The soggy air mingled with the
Fragrance of wasted blossoms
One by one they walked in
Smudged eyes on lost faces
Silent whispers and pungent sighs
Hollow sounds of solace
Bouncing across nowhere
One by one they walked away
With languorous steps
Leaving him and his daughters
Lone in their burden of grief…

NaPoWriMo -19 Day-3: Action across time

Day 3 : Prompt : Write something that involves a story or action that unfolds over an appreciable length of time. Perhaps, as you do, you can focus on imagery, or sound, or emotional content (or all three!)

Beyond Reach

I wish I could close my eyes
And then when I open them
I find myself out there at a distant point in the future
a place that is more comfortable, more serene
PC: borrowed from the internet
from where I am today

But I don’t see that happening
To reach there, I need to pass through the today
And today right now, feels difficult to trudge through
Every leaden moment lugging itself wearily

Wasn’t that  another yesterday when I longed to be at
this  point  in the present – a place better than where I was
only this had seemed so far away  then
I look around and I now notice that I am in that place
That had been the future of my past

So I guess if I just hold on
I shall get to be in the future of my present
A place more comfortable, more serene
than where I am now
Let me close my eyes… and wait…

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 2: Questions

Day 2 : Prompt: to write a poem that  resists closure by ending on a question, inviting the reader to continue the process of reading (and, in some ways, writing) the poem even after the poem ends.


Why does it happen again and
PC: borrowed from the internet
Then yet again?
Don’t know what to think
Fear claws through the soul
Singeing the heart
There is no rhyme or reason
Why is there no explanation?
The doubts, the pain keeps returning
There is no logic, No rationale
The questions keep rising
Their eerie echoes haunting
Searing through the heart
But Whom does one ask?
Who has the answers?
Groping in the darkness
Through never ending alleys
Along Life’s labyrinth
Running in circles, Hitting against walls
Seeking reprieve, seeking solace
Where should one go?
Where does one look?

NaPoWriMo Day 1: An Instruction Manual to do…

Prompt Day 1 :Write a poem that provide the reader with instructions on how to do something. 

It can be like a recipe:

Dust - Powder- Sprinkle!

PC: borrowed from the internet 
When the mind is agitated
When the thoughts and words
clamour to spew forth
Pause, ponder , muse upon
Select, Pick and choose
Review, revise , revisit
Weigh, measure, dole
Stir, toss, blend
Blow off the steam
Let the froth settle
Now  extend, offer, serve
Gently, carefully, tenderly

Na/GloPoWriMo 19- Early Bird Prompt

Na/GloPoWriMo 2019, otherwise known as “that month in which you write a poem a day for 30 days.”

I am as usual late to the party, but I intend to try and catch up in my own sweet time...I begin with the early Bird prompt, where the challenge is to  write a poetic self-portrait, in which one has to portray oneself in the guise of a historical or mythical figure.

I am not sure if "The Velveteen rabbit" qualifies to to be a historical/ mythical figure but I wish to assume the guise of The Velveteen Rabbit. I have read the book as a child and keep going to it again and again... each time the story unravels more  magically , more poignantly. It speaks to me at several levels and there is certain stability, a sense of balance, a sense of assurance that it gives me...

Real is not what I am made of-  
I had to become real- said the Skin Horse
I did not understand, because inside, deep inside I felt real…
It hurts to become real- said the skin horse- and he must know
pic courtesy: the internet.
The Boy calls me real- and so real I am- only the others don’t know it yet…
It’s been a rough ride, to become real
It doesn’t do to be fragile or brittle
It doesn’t do to have sharp edges
The sheen of my coat has waned, the seams are showing,
My spots have faded, My vision is blurred,
Yet my heart is full, for I know how it feels to be loved
Nothing else matters
And now I can be on my own, because once I am real
I am real forever…