Sunday, May 19, 2019

NaPoWriMo -19 Day-21 : Surreal Imagery

Day 21 Prompt: Write a poem that, incorporates wild, surreal images. Try to play around with writing that doesn’t make formal sense, but which engages all the senses and involves dream-logic.

Inferno of fear
PC: Borrowed from the internet

The wind was screeching
numbing sleet gnawed my limbs
as I plodded through the knotted creepers and purple lotuses
when a blood curdling bellow
imploded behind me 

I turned to look and a scream rose and
shattered down my throat
A gargantuan beast with dripping fur and slobbery tongue      
eyes like a million menacing daggers 
Pierced right through me

And then she moved ,in one giant leap 
she pinned me down
her nails and fangs
tracing scarlet creases
across my face, across my limbs

I saw her teeth drip slick crimson froth
sheer black terror gripped my heart
and yet I managed to give a mighty heave
staggering to my feet I bounded indoors
and closed the doors behind me

I stumbled across the hall through the corridor
Dragging my bloody knees
I could hear the lusty growls behind me
I crawled across the kitchen floor-
The growls still behind outside                 

I slumped down on the frosty tiles
I closed my eyes- icy terror racing
through my gory veins
suddenly I sensed a slimy fiery trail
snaking down my neck

I start and open my eyes to find
steely  menacing eyes slicing into me
fetid frothy breath and crimson dribble
splattered onto my face
I froze and the darkness swallowed me…

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