Monday, May 6, 2019

NaPoWriMo -19 Day-15: Dramatic Monologue

Day 15 Prompt: Write your own dramatic monologue. It doesn’t have to be quite as serious as Browning or Shakespeare, of course, but try to create a sort of specific voice or character that can act as the “speaker” of your poem, and that could be acted by someone reciting the poem.

Non- Judgmental

Repect! Respect!
Is it really so difficult?
To respect another
Even if I might not agree
Neither do I need to approve
But respect I can
Another’s idea or opinion

 Accept! Accept!
I want acceptance
So then why shouldn’t another expect
To be accepted
Isn’t it a two way lane?
Anyway I can’t walk alone
I need company

Empathy! Understand!
Is it indeed so difficult
To look kindly upon
Another’s idea or opinion
Do I have to always be right
And another wrong

It is all about
Accepting, respecting and Understanding
The others in me
And the me in others.

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