Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Transmogrification 😠😠


Hey faith of mine!

I am afraid for you

You might crumble to dust

For I have bestowed you with 

Feet of clay

I shall take up cudgels

On your behalf

Don't you worry

For after all I believe that you thrive

Because I exist

I am sure I haven't misunderstood

What you stand for

Because after all I interpret

You the way I want

I shall give you counsel

On whom you may bless

And whom you should curse

After all I call the shots here

I choose to forget that you

are actually about Solace and Redemption

For I have made you all about

Dire Threats and retribution

I have created a war in your name

And now I proceed to amass an army

You need me a mere mortal

to protect you from annihilation

And so I spew vitriol, hatred, 

For I have understood you to be

All about exclusion, segregation and alienation

I do not remember any

Allusion to inclusion, unification or conciliation

I deign to choose, decide

What you stand for

I choose to tether you, 

Within my mortal definitions, finite understanding

I set limits for you to pervade

And all the time I shall claim 

That it was you who dictated the limits, 

you who taught me 

Exclusion, segregation and alienation

For that is how 

You can be saved!?

Poor faith of mine

You are indeed vulnerable

If it is faith like mine

That sustains you...

Mythical Homecoming


Your eyes were filled with unshed tears

But they mistook it for tears of joy

You tried telling them 

that you were not lost nor a wandering nomad

You tried to tell them that you were never homeless

That you were not yearning for a homecoming 

That the world is your home

But they were not listening

They wanted to hold you captive

In rich and gilded canopies

They forgot you had made your home in the forests

That you slept in bliss under the stars

They forgot you partook of chewed up fruit

They set you apart

They drew lines of separation

They saw you not

Because their eyes were clouded with 

Mad passion and hatred

Nor did they listen to you

Because They were screaming in manic frenzy

They made you about violence, hatred and Retribution 

While you were actually all about solace and Redemption 

An epitome of gentleness and grace

They loomed larger than you

They presumed you needed protection

They forgot that you were the Protector

An eye for an eye

Ya, lest we forget

Let us keep reminding, recounting

All the fights, the destructions

Let us keep watering, feeding, nurturing

all the grudge, anger

Let's keep wreaking vengeance one for the other

Let's make the whole world blind 

And then the world will become peaceful

Because there would be no survivors

to celebrate victory!

Monday, January 8, 2024

Priorities change


Worries, sorrows used to be about self

Hurt , pain of the self

Now the self has been sidelined

It is all about

Another's hurt, pain and sorrow

Self's life, happiness depends on

Another's joy and peace

Time Capsule


Time capsule, interim between the starting point and destination,

you have left but not yet arrived,

no expectations... comfortable spot others have to wait

they can't hurry you...

they can't push you

they can't nag nor can they pester

They have to wait for you to arrive,

Meanwhile as I wait wanting

to prolong that time capsule  because the neither here nor yet there

Feels the safest for now...

Life on Pause


It is on pause

Life I mean

No, the roller coaster

It is on pause

There is a fall waiting

and sure enough

there should be a rise too

But right now

It is just swinging

How does it feel to live

On the pause button

Waiting for life to get unpaused

Not knowing which way it goes

Or to be on mid seasaw

Down or up

Which way will it go

Grateful for this moment

In the now

That is all one can be

Just Cling to this moment

Not remember the past

Not worry about the future

When Silence Speaks

Don't want to utter a word, sound

Fill in the sounds with nods,

Raised eyebrows

Slant of the eyes

Shrug of the shoulder

Gestures, expressions

Such that the absence of voice is not noticed

Don't want to detour

No bends, twists or turns

The past in the present


Today in the present

As I look back into the past 

when it used to be the present

when everything seemed to go on forever

like there was no tomorrow

the grind, the plodding, the climbs

the plains seemed far away in the horizon

and today all that seems so distant, 

so long gone

a blurry existence

Listening is an Art

Some people hijack your conversations

They don't allow you to complete your words or sentences

They seize your words, they usurp your notions

They chew at it rabidly, 

then swallow them whole

not sparing the echoes even

Your words shorn off 

leaving your emotions disembodied

hovering in the air unsatiated

They then offer it to you 

Couched in their words and thoughts

disguised,  distorted , unrecognisable

You are all lost as you listen to them rambling away

You wonder

What were you trying to say

And where has it gone...

Meekly you succumb 

to the volley 

Of words 

you lapse into silence

Your thoughts and words

All scrunched up and crumpled

Yet again you are convinced

Silence is best, Silence is comfy...

Richocheting silence


You want to say something, 

You want to say nothing

You want to hear everything 

You want to hear nothing

You have pictures

that you want to look at 

But You can't bear to look at them

You have questions, You want answers

But no one to ask, 

You don't like words, They mean nothing

You look around

Oh everything is the same

Nothing has changed

Just one of the gazillion rays have set

Just one home darkened forever

A few souls left bereft and broken



My heart is breaking

Am feeling indignant

I understand but 

Keeping up the facade, smiling, while I want to sulk big time

Simply because I want to evolve

I don't want to break into the usual cantankerous mould

that which irritates others

But still it stings

Feeling a surge of self pity

They can afford to 

They can escape to their own cosy world

Smiling and laughing when actually I don't want to

Just go about sniggering, ordering...

They don't have to live with the consequences, the repercussions

Just trigger

And happy to say that you are going to fly away 

What do you care what is left behind

And someone doesn't even understand...

Blissfully unaware of the undercurrents...

That is exactly why one needs to be on one's toes

That's the reason one has to keep on 

Reminding like a broken record

And it is because we are the ones who have to bear the brunt of the consequences 

From the outside people can sympathise

click their tongues, be magnanimous

Am not going to interfere

Shall try to pretend that I am not around

As if I can control things

Am fed up of anticipating

trying to veer away from troubles, hassles

Escape, escape , escape

Run away far from all this...



When I think of you

Am overwhelmed with Love and gratitude

For the Blessing that you are

The tender solace and strength

That you bestow

Even when I leave so much

Unsaid and unspoken

To just know that you are...

Fortifies my spirit

Tread with Power, tread with Poise

Wear your Gentleness and Compassion

With Grace and Power!

Do not deter, do not doubt

Your demeanour is

your allure and your armour!

I wish you Joy, I wish you Love

I wish you Success, I wish you Serenity...

All my Love, All my Prayers, All my Blessings

Today and Everyday...