Turned away from words and meanings
When everything else seemed trivial
in the face of mundane battles
Today your departure has triggered
Something which has no name
from deep within the dark recesses of the mind
The thoughts refuse to be stopped
Daring to be attired in cloaks of words
Breathless trying to rein them in, tame them
Chores beckon
But unable to pay attention
Unruly words curdling and frothing
The thoughts refuse to stop
For whatever it is worth or not
What might have been written that day in the letter
No fragment of memory lingers
But the reply that was received
Those moments when you picked up that pen
and let the words flow onto the paper
like many a time before
And many a time after
But those moments it was just you and me!!!
Thank you for reintroducing me to myself
Who had been buried under an
avalanche of contrived indifference
Thank you for letting me find me
For now at least
I had been lost and floundering
The captivity was paralysing
I was angry with words and words paid no heed
Thank you for helping me reinvent myself
Thank you for allowing me to speak again to myself
Thank you for reminding me to listen to myself
For now that is
I am rambling but I am revelling in the freedom
The shackles have been broken for now at least
Let me peep out, let me venture for some time at least
Until worldly matters banish me
to the netherworlds of silence and apathy yet again
I seek no external visibility
For now becoming visible for myself shall suffice