Friday, February 16, 2024

Own the skies


It is that time of the year again

When yet another flock

are sprucing their wings 

poised to fly

to seize the stars 

As they stand at the threshold

Wary and yet excited

Eager and yet uncertain

Wondering what does the Future hold

Shed your fears,

Stagger not in defeat 

Plod on in Joy and wonder,

Success is round the corner

Spread your wings

And soar high 

Seize your dreams

Own the skies

On cloud Nine


My feet unsteady

I totter in unsteady swagger

Heady high of 

Lolling in abundance of love and regard

My feet are not treading the earth

My head swirling in the clouds

The heart is heavy

and yet the spirit is light


I smile through my tears

to see them spread their wings

poised to fly high

and seize the stars

that they do richly deserve

I shall wait for them to

come back another day

and share their stories 

of success and adventure

And until then I shall keep

counting my Blessings

That come not in numbers

but in batches



And just when you thought

That the cup of Happiness could get no bigger

That the sense of love and gratitude

Could get no deeper

And then comes a cloudburst

That drenches your soul through and through

And makes the heart runneth over

Seize the Stars

 Seize the stars

Pause, listen to the song in your heart

Take your time to weave your dreams

Shed your fears, rue not your failures

For wisdom lies in wait…

Let not your vision blur following random whims

You have a  long way to go

Trudge with care, toil with grace

Fly high on the wings of your dream

Seize your skies

Sing aloud the song in your heart

Carve a tale of wonder and etch your name

On the shores of Time…

Tuesday, February 13, 2024



I remember the colours of my childhood

The frills, the lace,

The layers, the skirts, the blouses


They come to me with remembered sensations

Another world, another time

Dreams unknown waiting to be unraveled

But today the future of yesteryears

Seems a whole another ball game.


Different facets of love

Dreams of travel

Dreams of snow

Home is where the heart is

But the heart is playing truant


Magic dust and buttery wingsstars in the eyes

All in  a dream

Life is so far away

Fears and troubles

Crusts in the stomach

Not butterflies

Some moments that were

Made of butterfly wings

Powdery sparkling dust

So ephemeral- almost invisible

And yet so heavy and tangible

And today every moment

A huge cumbersome jaggged boulder

Immovable, crushing



No regrets


How does it feel like

To Have forgotten

When the sun and rain spoke in rhyme

When the heart pounded

Hmmm some vague memories

That do nothing to the cockles of the heart anymore 

Ya,  it is there in the movies

and in the songs

it shines in the eyes of the youth

But inside me there is 

Only ash and smoke

Some creaks and groans

Wondering if there is wistfulness

If there is a sense of loss

An ache, a yearning

For what used to be

But no there is nothing

And so does this make these words so drab, so dreary

Because only words that throb 

With the song from the heart

Is supposed to be that elusive thing called Love

Simple breakfasts, simple meals-

no feasts, no banquets

no bells peal, no music plays

the sun rises and then sets

the moon glides through the skies

no one notices the flowers bloom

nor the patter of the raindrops 

Yet, so grateful that  

the dry scraped out soul, 

has become invisible, irrelevant

Nothing is missed- just happy 

to be living the daily mundane life...

the fire, the zest, the passion, the verve, 

the spontaneity, the playfulness, 

the mischief, the piquancy

all gone forever

never to return or revive

Life is but bits  and  pieces of these

But mostly otherwise

It is shards and slivers

Falls, bruises and tears...

as one struggled through the web of living

everything else just fell by the way side

Just the strength and assurance of 

Having each other's backs

To laugh the other’s smile

And cry the other’s tears

And sometimes sigh in unison

To sit back not so close

And yet not far away

one reads, the other writes

one may not speak

and yet the other listens

the heart has slowed down

and then it is about holding, 

healing together

leaning back in gratitude

and placid contentment



Bleeding, oozing soul

Ashen  strands, Grey decline

Wrinkles, saliva, drool, sweat, stench

Feeble, brittle, cranky, fussy

The dryness, the coarseness

The uneven breath

Phlegmy sighs

The same words over and over again 

and again and then again

the same gestures, mannerisms, 

the swallowing

the dull grey holes in the eyes

the weary smiles

where only fear lurks

of the spinning moments

Unkept promises- harsh trials

Never uttered, never confronted.

The dark resentment

Fumes of rancid stench

Buried in catacombs of the heart

Unspoken, incomplete

And yet yearning to hear words of regret, 

of repentance, apology

But no- only reams of justifications

Leaving the aftertaste of bitterness

Admit, accept the hurt inflicted

No never



I like to think my thoughts

I like to catch them as they 

Escape from my mind

Invisible- body less- disembodied

I like to watch them

Clothed in words

Armours of various hues and textures

I like to listen for their sounds and voices

Echoing Over and over again

I like to savour them

I like to review them

Analyse them interpret them

Appreciate them

Revel in their fallen glory

I like to wonder why they rose in the first place

To question them

Dissect them

Ponder over them like my very existence depended on the answers

And then finally eventually


I like to mull over the futility of it all

And then pat myself on my enlightened grace